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Legal Briefs

Cato at the Supreme Court

The Cato Institute is one of the biggest filers of amicus curiae (Latin for “friend of the court”) briefs in the Supreme Court. These briefs are filed with the Supreme Court by third parties who have a special interest or expertise in a case and want to influence the Court’s decisions. In all our briefs, Cato maintains an unwavering commitment to articulating how the principles of liberty and a commitment to the original meaning of the Constitution should guide judicial decisions.

Featured Publications

Cornerstone of Liberty

Property Rights in 21st Century America

This book shows why the right to ownership is one of the most essential of human rights, how that right is protected in the U.S. Constitution, and how ordinary property owners can help rein in government violations of private property rights.

Cato Pocket Constitution

To encourage people everywhere to better understand and appreciate the principles of government that are set forth in America’s Founding documents, the Cato Institute published this pocket edition (3.5” x 5”) of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Meet Our Experts

Thomas A. Berry

Director, Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute

Will Duffield

Adjunct Scholar

Gene Healy

Senior Vice President for Policy

Robert A. Levy

Chairman Emeritus

Clark Neily
Senior Vice President for Legal Studies
Walter Olson

Senior Fellow

Roger Pilon

Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies

Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz

Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies

John Samples

Vice President

Brent Skorup

Legal Fellow, Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies