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Welcome to Defending Globalization, a new Cato Institute multimedia project on all aspects of the fundamentally human activity that we call “globalization.”

Original works from both Cato Institute scholars and outside contributors will offer a diverse range of perspectives on globalization—what it is, what it has produced, what its alternatives are, and what people think about it—and offer a strong, proactive case for more global integration in the years ahead. Read more here about the project and why we launched it.

Stack of books
Research Library

Understand the Economics of Globalization with Cato Research Briefs

Academic studies frequently produce important and often counterintuitive economic insights but can be difficult for laypeople to access or understand. The Cato Institute therefore publishes Research Briefs summarizing new economic research on a wide range of issues. This Defending Globalization series provides a searchable database of all Cato Research Briefs on trade, migration, and other aspects of globalization.

Meet Our Experts
Joy Buchanan
Joy Buchanan

Associate Professor of Quantitative Analysis and Economics, Samford University Brock School of Business

Daniel W. Drezner
Daniel W. Drezner

Professor of International Politics, Tufts University

Andreas Freytag croppped
Andreas Freytag

Professor of Economics, Friedrich Schiller University

Vincent Geloso portrait
Vincent Geloso

Assistant Professor of Economics, George Mason University

Colin Grabow

Associate Director, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies

Jeb Hensarling

Economics Fellow, Cato Institute; Former Chairman, House Financial Services Committee

Charles Kenny (cropped)
Charles Kenny

Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Simon Lester

Nonresident Fellow, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy

Phil Levy - Portrait (Cropped)
Phil Levy

Lead Trade Economist, World Bank

Scott Lincicome

Vice President, General Economics and Herbert A. Stiefel Trade Policy Center, Cato Institute

Juan Londono picture
Juan Londoño

Senior Policy Analyst, Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Phillip W. Magness

Hayek Chair in Economics and Economic History, American Institute for Economic Research

Inu Manak

Fellow for Trade Policy, Council on Foreign Relations

Anna Maria Mayda
Anna Maria Mayda

Associate Professor, Economics, Georgetown University

Norbert Michel

Vice President and Director, Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives

Adam N. Michel

Director of Tax Policy Studies; Former Deputy Staff Director at the US Congress Joint Economic Committee

Andrew P. Morris - Cropped Headshot
Andrew P. Morriss

Professor, Bush School of Government & Public Service and School of Law, Texas A&M University

Tom G. Palmer

Executive Vice President for International Programs, Atlas Network; Director, Cato University; and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute

Gary Winslett
Gary Winslett

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College

Erica York
Erica York

Senior Economist and Research Director, Tax Foundation

Sophia Bagley - cropped
Sophia Bagley

Research Associate

Alfredo Carrillo Obregon

Research Associate, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies