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Regulation Winter 2019/2020 Cover

Winter 2019/2020

Vol. 42 No. 4
From the Cover

Expert Views on Gun Laws

By Arthur Z. Berg, John R. Lott, Jr., and Gary A. Mauser

Do researchers from different policy fields have a consensus on gun control laws?

Briefly Noted
Will America Be the Next Ghana?
By Pierre Lemieux

One reason why liberalization has screeched to a halt is that it was based on a misunderstanding that could justify protectionism as well as free trade: that the benefits of trade come from exports and that imports are the cost to pay for these benefits.

In Review
The Economists’ Hour
By Vern McKinley

Many progressives believe that the Federal Reserve was too accommodating to the wishes of financial institutions in providing easy money and massive, opaque bailouts.

Socialism Sucks
By Art Carden

It’s easy to get conned by romantic visions of socialist paradise. Socialist reality is different.

By Vern McKinley

In his 30 years of leading The Economist, Bagehot felt strongly about many issues beyond financial panics.

By Vern McKinley

The turmoil from the Young Plan facilitated Hitler’s coming to power.

Shut Out
By David R. Henderson

In the standard story, subprime mortgages were granted to relatively low-income families that were unwise to buy houses but were able to do so because of lax lending standards.

Narrative Economics
By Pierre Lemieux

Paraphrasing psychologist Jerome Brunner, Shiller writes that “we should not assume that human actions are driven in response to purely objective facts.”

Final Word
Rent-Seeking Games
By A. Barton Hinkle

For much of their existence, state lotteries have enjoyed something close to a monopoly on licit gambling.