Congratulations to Jonathan Slemrod and Charles Johnson for winning the January Op-Eds of the Month contest.

Jonathan Slemrod is a junior at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His op-ed in the Michigan Daily, “Cap-and-Trade Fantasies,” cites Patrick J. Michaels (who also spoke at the University of Michigan) to argue that Obama’s plan to impose cap-and-trade regulations to protect the environment will not provide the many benefits its supporters claim and will only further harm the U.S. economy. Jonathan received an autographed copy of Chris Edwards and Daniel J. Mitchell’s book, Global Tax Revolution.

Charles Johnson is a sophomore at Claremont McKenna. His op-ed in the Claremont Independent, “FIRE and Free Speech on Campus: Are the Claremont Colleges Violating the California Constitution?,” takes a look at several historical examples where Claremont Colleges limited student free speech and the role that outside organizations like the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education have played in checking the university’s actions. He blogs at The Claremont Conservative. Charles received an autographed copy of The Dirty Dozen by Robert A. Levy and William Mellor.

Both Jonathan and Charles’s op-eds will also be considered for the Cato on Campus Op-Ed of the Year, with a chance of receiving a full scholarship to Cato University.