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2017 Cato Surveillance Conference

Date and Time
Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute
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Ted Lieu
Damon W. Root
Michelle Richardson
Jake Laperruque cropped
Jake Laperruque

Deputy Director, Security and Surveillance Project, Center for Democracy and Technology

Dan Schweitzer
Mieke Eoyang
Jesse Franzblau
Justin Hanford
Justin Jouvenal
Margaret Hu
Andrew Ferguson
Courtney Bowman
Sarah St. Vincent
Clare Garvie headshot
Clare Garvie

Fourth Amendment Center Training and Resource Counsel, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Rachel Levinson-Waldman
Alvaro Bedoya
Michelle de Mooy
Steve Bell
Griffin Boyce
Shauna Dillavou
John Grant
Dov Gordon

From front-page news stories featuring transcripts of wiretapped campaign officials to dramatic cyberattacks using hacking tools stolen from the National Security Agency, intelligence and surveillance issues have saturated the news in 2017. Yet there were also plenty of important surveillance stories that didn’t get the exposure they deserved: the ongoing debate over reauthorizing the NSA’s controversial section 702 spying authority, set to expire at year’s end; the Supreme Court’s pending consideration of Carpenter v. United States, which could radically alter the contours of Fourth Amendment law; law enforcement’s growing reliance on sophisticated data mining to attempt to identify criminals or terrorists before they act. The Cato Institute’s annual surveillance conference will gather prominent experts, policymakers, technologists, and civil society advocates to explore these issues and more—and debate how much monitoring we should accept in a society that aspires to be both safe and free.



Julian Sanchez, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute


Rep. Ted Lieu, D‑California

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9:20 — 10:35AM PANEL – Carpenter v. U.S. and the Future of the Third Party Doctrine

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Moderator: Damon Root, Senior Editor, Reason
Michelle Richardson, Deputy Director, Security & Technology Project; Center for Democracy and Technology
Jim Harper, Vice President, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Jake Laperruque, Senior Counsel, Constitution Project
Dan Schweitzer, Supreme Court Counsel, National Association of Attorneys General

10:35 — 10:50AM MORNING BREAK

10:50 — 11:50AM FLASH TALKS

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Surveillance Fears and Supply Chain Regulation
Mieke Eoyang, Vice President for National Security Program, Third Way

Countering Secret Surveillance Through FOIA Collaboration
Jesse Franzblau, Policy Analyst, Open the Government

Checkpoint: America—Security Theater for Motorists
Patrick Eddington, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute

12:00 — 1:00PM LUNCH KEYNOTE – The FBI and “Black Identity Extremists”

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Justin Hansford, Director, Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center; Howard University

1:10 — 2:25PM PANEL – Predictive Policing: Big Data and Law Enforcement

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Moderator: Justin Jouvenal, The Washington Post
Margaret Hu, Associate Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University
Andrew Ferguson, Professor of Law, David A. Clarke School of Law; University of the District of Columbia
John Grant, Civil Liberties Engineer, Palantir

2:25 — 3:25PM


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Parallel Construction: Can the Bill of Rights Survive It?
Sarah St. Vincent, Researcher, Human Rights Watch

The Perpetual Lineup: Unregulated Police Face Recognition
Clare Garvie, Associate, Center on Privacy & Technology; Georgetown Law

A Digital Muslim Ban
Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Senior Counsel , Brennan Center for Justice
Alvaro Bedoya, Executive Director, Center on Privacy & Technology; Georgetown Law


3:40 — 4:55PM PANEL – Surveillance Self Defense: Technologies and Strategies for Privacy

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Moderator: Michelle de Mooy, Director, Center for Democracy & Technology
Steve Bell, Co-Founder, Orchid Labs
Dov Gordon, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University
Shauna Dillavou, Principal, SecurityPositive