Brian Ross of ABC News is reporting allegations from two whistleblowers who say the federal government eavesdropped on hundreds of international phone calls between Americans. The surveillance continued even when there was no indication of espionage or terrorism.

Question for the White House: Is this another disgraceful news report? After all, it reminds the terrorists that the NSA listens in on calls.

Questions for CIA director Michael Hayden and NSA director Lt. General Keith Alexander: When you say the ‘law’ is always followed, would you remind us as to what, exactly, constitutes illegal eavesdropping? And how many government officials and employees have been disciplined, discharged, or prosecuted for illegal surveillance over the past 10 years?

Question for Congress: What does Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D‑WV) mean when he says an oversight hearing may be necessary? How many whistleblowers have to come forward to warrant a hearing?

For more, read Glenn Greenwald. For related Cato scholarship, go here.