Harvey Silverglate and Wendy Kaminer have launched a new blog–Free For All.

Here is how they describe their joint venture:

As the name signifies, The Free for All is a running commentary on the state of the American citizen’s (and sometimes the non-citizen’s) personal freedoms and civil liberties in the hectic, dangerous, confusing, hypocritical, stupid, and oftentimes near-insane modern era. Like my long-running Freedom Watch columns, The Free for All will seek to analyze the impact of various cultural, political, legal, academic and media stories du jour relating to the American promise of “liberty and justice for all.”

Wendy and I chose the name The Free for All to underscore the blog’s commitment to unfettered, no-holds-barred discussion. While Wendy and I are both what I call libertarian liberals (she might disagree with this label, since she often disagrees with me even when I’m right!), there are very few issues on which we see exactly eye-to-eye. By taking our once private debates into the public domain, we hope to create a resource for those of you who, like the two of us, are similarly trying to make sense of today’s headlines.

Recent posts express their skepticism about the ability to prevent school shootings by ‘profiling’ potential shooters.