Bad enough that people get arrested and jailed for drug offenses, but the proliferation of SWAT teams and the tactic of breaking into homes, especially during the night, is reckless. In this case, the break-in did not lead to any shooting, but as the 68-year old suspect was lying on the ground, complying with all the police commands, he was accidently shot and killed.

FRAMINGHAM, Mass.—A Framingham police officer who shot and killed a 68-year-old man during an early morning drug raid will not face criminal charges.

Prosecutors say the shooting was an accident and Duncan’s actions “do not rise to the level of criminal conduct.”

But attorneys for the family of Eurie Stamps said Wednesday that they will launch a civil rights investigation because the shooting was unjustifiable, his rights were violated and those responsible must be held accountable for his death.

Authorities say Duncan lost his balance while preparing to handcuff Stamps after members of the SWAT team stormed the Fountain Street home just after midnight on Jan. 5.

The Middlesex district attorney’s office says officer Paul Duncan stumbled and accidentally fired his rifle, hitting Stamps as he lay on the floor on his stomach with his hands up.

More here.