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Cato University Summer 2007

July 22 - 27, 2007 • Rancho Bernardo Inn •
San Diego, CA

About the Seminar | Schedule | Faculty | Photo Gallery

Cato University is the Cato Institute’s premier educational event of the year. This annual program brings together outstanding faculty and participants from across the country – business and professional people, retirees, small business owners, high school and college students, employees of large and small firms, families, and many others who share a commitment to liberty and learning.

Would you like to meet like-minded people from all over the United States? How about enjoying a spectacular vacation while sharing ideas on how to advance, enhance, and defend your principles about liberty, free-market capitalism, and the inherent rights of the individual – among other subjects? And – would you like to make enduring new friendships? If so, Cato University is definitely for you.

Never attended a Cato University program before? This is the perfect opportunity to become a graduate. There are no prerequisites, no need to have participated in a previous year’s program. Whether you are new to or well-versed in the subjects of liberty and individual freedom, your intellectual passions and commitment to liberty will be energized and enhanced by the totally new perspectives and sessions we have created for our 2007 program.

Price: $925 ($1025 after June 20) – The lowest price we have been able to offer in years. Take advantage!

The setting: We will be gathering at the magnificent Rancho Bernardo Inn, which is just a few miles north of San Diego. Its world-class facilities, resort amenities, spa, and immediate access to the best of San Diego make this special learning experience a magnificent vacation.

The program: At Cato University you’ll spend high-quality time with some of the best speakers (and minds!) in the country, in the company of fellow participants who share your love of freedom. This year you’ll learn more about liberty than you thought possible and receive a one-of-a-kind grounding in economics, law, history, and philosophy. This year’s Graduate School of Liberty is for anyone who prefers

  • the U.S. Constitution to, well, what we seem to have now
  • the free market to socialism
  • personal liberty and responsibility to the Nanny State and
  • limited government to the bloated monster growing in Washington and the state capitols.

The faculty: This year’s faculty includes some of the most dynamic speakers in the country:

  • Professor Marcus Cole of Stanford University Law School
  • Professor Glen Whitman of California State University, Northridge
  • Professor David Beito of the University of Alabama
  • Dr. Tom G. Palmer, senior fellow of the Cato Institute and director of Cato University
  • Professor Robert McDonald of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point
  • Brian Doherty, senior editor at Reason magazine and author of Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement
  • Dr. Ronald Krieger, Economist and Wall Street Veteran
  • David Boaz, executive vice president of the Cato Institute and author of Libertarianism: A Primer.

The 2007 Cato University is co-sponsored by the Donald and Paula Smith Family Foundation