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Cato University Summer 2007

Daily Schedule

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Sunday, July 22

Registration and an opportunity to get-acquainted with faculty members and other participants – and to learn your way around the magnificent Rancho Bernardo Inn

Reception, dinner, and evening presentation

Tom G. Palmer – “Why Liberty?”

Monday, July 23
Morning Sessions

Tom G. Palmer – “The Historical Struggle for Liberty: 2300 BC – 1776 AD”
Robert McDonald –“1776: The Revolution that Changed the World”

Afternoon Sessions Glen Whitman – “The Economic Way of Thinking” David T. Beito – “Libertarianism and the Struggle for Equal Rights”
Free Time
Dinner & Evening Presentation Glen Whitman – “The Economics of Politics”

Tuesday, July 24
Morning Sessions

Marcus Cole – “Property, Contract, and Freedom”
Tom G. Palmer – “The Logic of Individual Rights”

Afternoon Sessions

Marcus Cole – “A Constitution of Enumerated Powers and Unenumerated Rights”
Robert McDonald – “The Depressing Story of Civil War, World War, and Great Depression”

Free Time
Dinner & Evening Presentation

Glen Whitman – “The Economics of Prohibition”

Wednesday, July 25
Morning Sessions

Marcus Cole – “Legal Order without Coercion”
Glen Whitman – “The Economics of the Environment”

Afternoon Session (your choice)

Marcus Cole – “Law and Economics of the Regulatory State”


Ronald Krieger – “Wall Street ‘Wisdom’ and the Wisdom of Markets”

Extended Free Time
Dinner & Evening Presentation

Brian Doherty – “The Emergence of the Modern Libertarian Movement”

Thursday, July 26
Morning Sessions

Brian Doherty – “Libertarian Models of Political and Social Change”
David T. Beito – “Welfare without the Welfare State”

Afternoon Session

Robert McDonald – “New Deal, New Frontier, Great Society, and the Modern American Welfare State”

and choice between:
Ronald Krieger, – “Economic Liberty: Free the S&P 500”


David Boaz – “Why Government Grows Too Big”

Free Time
Dinner & Evening Presentation

David Boaz – “The Coming Century of Liberty”

Friday, July 27
Morning Session

Tom G. Palmer – “The Rhetoric of Liberty”

Farewell Gathering & Departure

The 2007 Cato University is co-sponsored by the Donald and Paula Smith Family Foundation