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Cato Club Naples 2017

Date and Time
Grey Oaks Country Club - 2400 Grey Oaks Drive North, Naples, FL
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R. Evan Scharf Chair for the Public Understanding of Economics, Cato Institute

Please join us for Cato Club Naples—a series of exclusive events for Cato Sponsors whose annual contribution is $1,000 or more. Our first luncheon of the season will feature presentations by Ryan Bourne and Vanessa Brown Calder.

Republicans in Congress are working on legislation for major tax reform. Their plan would cut the corporate tax rate and simplify individual income taxes by trimming deductions and reducing rates. Republicans and many economists argue that such reforms would boost the economy and substantially raise wages. Other economists have doubts about the proposed changes, given our large budget deficit and the apparently healthy economy. What will be the impact of tax reform on output, investment, and wages? Which corporate and individual reforms are most likely to spur growth?

Local zoning and land-use regulations have increased substantially over the decades. These constraints on land development within cities and suburbs aim to achieve various safety, environmental, and aesthetic goals. But the regulations have also tended to reduce the supply of housing, including multifamily and low-income housing. With reduced supply, many U.S. cities suffer from housing affordability problems. In this presentation, Vanessa will discuss her latest research, which explores the growth of zoning and land-use regulation and regulation’s costly consequences.

11:30AM – 12:00PM Registration and Reception
12:00 – 2:00PM Policy Forum and Luncheon

Can Tax Cuts Spur Economic Growth?
Ryan Bourne, R. Evan Scharf Chair for the Public Understanding of Economics, Cato Institute

How Government Makes Housing So Expensive
Vanessa Brown Calder, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute

Moderated by Bob Levy, Chairman of the Board, Cato Institute

By invitation only. Registration fee is $35 per person.

To attend, please call Elissa Hagans at 202–218-4639 or email events@​cato.​org