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P. J. O’Rourke, Cato’s H. L. Mencken Research Fellow, is touring the country to talk about his new book, Don’t Vote: It Just Encourages the Bastards. He’ll be doing these Cato events:

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September 30 San Francisco, Palace Hotel

October 7 Los Angeles, Beverly Wilshire

October 13 Dallas, Ritz-Carlton

October 14 Houston, Four Seasons

October 28 Washington, Cato Institute

Pretty swanky digs for a guy who once wrote Holidays in Hell. And sorry, San Franciscans — obviously I should have posted this a week ago. But if you’re a Cato Sponsor, you read about it in Cato Policy Report and you got an invitation.

You can find more book signings and media appearances at www​.pjourke​.com.