I’ve been absent for Cato-at-liberty in recent weeks because I’ve been busy with the bailout and various related issues. I’ve missed the opportunity to post and get feedback from readers, so I’m posting some of my recent articles for your reading pleasure.

My first foray into the issue was a column for Real Clear Politics arguing against the bailout.

Needless to say, the political class disregarded my sage advice and voted to give the Treasury Department a blank check for $700 billion. So my next article was part of a Google-sponsored debate on whether the turmoil in financial markets is a reason to expand the size and scope of government. You can also see my opponent’s article  and my rebuttal if you are so inclined. You can also rate both of our arguments if you feel like putting your thumbs on the scale.

I’m also taking part in a debate sponsored by the Los Angeles Times. Monday’s topic was whether government should have any role in subsidizing housing, and Tuesday’s topic focused on who should get blamed for the current mess. I’ll post subsequent debates as they become available.