Tuesday, March 16

The Politics and Science of Medical Marijuana

12:00 PM (Luncheon to Follow)

In the political realm, the debate over the legal status of medical marijuana continues to rage.

Since 1996, 12 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. What have medical scientists learned about marijuana over the past 10 years? And how have the politics on this contentious issue shifted at the federal and state level?

Join us for a lively discussion of the science and politics of medical marijuana.

Featuring Donald Abrams, M.D., Director of Clinical Programs, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California; Robert DuPont, M.D., President, Institute for Behavior and Health; Rob Kampia, Executive Director, Marijuana Policy Project; Moderated by Tim Lynch, Director, Project on Criminal Justice, Cato Institute.

The event will be simulcast live online.