What’s harder to get into than Harvard? The Cato Institute summer internship. Harvard just announced that “an all-time low of 6.2 percent of applicants were offered admission to the Harvard College Class of 2015, beating records for the sixth consecutive year.” Harvard’s acceptance rate is slightly lower than the rate at Princeton, Stanford, and Columbia.

But not lower than the Cato summer internship rate! Cato’s incoming interns survived an application process more selective than Ivy League universities, with about 4 percent of applicants offered an internship. The process is a little less competitive for Fall and Spring internships, and we encourage students to check out the application deadlines for those upcoming classes.

Also note: There are no more summer internships available, but you can still apply for a scholarship to Cato University this summer until Friday.

Of course, non-students are also welcome at Cato University, which is being held this year in beautiful and historic Annapolis, Maryland, the city where George Washington returned his military commission to the Continental Congress and became, in the words of George III, “the greatest man in the world” by giving up power and establishing the new country on the firm path to republican government. We’ll have a mix of people of all ages from all over the country and indeed the world, and we hope you’ll sign up today.

More on Cato’s internships here, including last year’s comparative acceptance rates.