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I RESOLVE: A Public Debate on Economic Equity

Disagreements over the necessity or wisdom of policies to advance economic equity have riven the country and Washington in recent years. Is equity a goal to be pursued by a vigorous policy agenda? Would doing so prove to be counterproductive? Debating this issue will be leading student debaters from the Washington Urban Debate League in Washington, DC, with an expert panel of judges from across the ideological spectrum offering feedback and insight.

A project of the Cato Institute, Sphere Education Initiatives works with grades 5–12 educators and administrators to provide them with the knowledge, experience, professional development, and viewpoint‐​diverse resources to bring difficult conversations on the most pressing issues to the classroom and equip our country’s students to engage in civil discourse.

The Washington Urban Debate League uses debate to make transformative educational opportunities available for students in the DC area. Peer‐​reviewed research shows that competitive debate is one of the best things a student can do with their out‐​of‐​school time, building lifelong and career‐​oriented skills that cannot be automated or outsourced. Debaters show more substantial academic and social‐​emotional growth and graduate and attend college at a higher rate than their non‐​debater peers.

The National Association for Urban Debate Leagues is a national leader in the debate movement, preparing the next generation to lead and succeed. Through debate, students learn critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills. They also discover their passion for learning and become empowered to succeed in the classroom. Our vision is that all youths graduate from high school as engaged civic leaders with expanded college and career opportunities.

Allan Carey headshot
Allan Carey

Director, Sphere Education Initiatives

Rhonda Haynes photo
Rhonda Haynes

Executive Director, National Association for Urban Debate Leagues

David Trigaux cropped
David Trigaux

Director of Programming and Development, Washington Urban Debate League

Ryan Bourne

R. Evan Scharf Chair for the Public Understanding of Economics, Cato Institute

Abanash Mohanty
Abinash Mohanty