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Criminal Justice at a Crossroads

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Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute
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Hon. Jed Rakoff
Chief J. Thomas Manger
Chief Ron Davis
Hon. Steven S. Alm
Dara Lind
Scott Greenfield
Sgt. Renee J. Mitchel
Suja A. Thomas
Laura Donohue
Jay Ahern
Alyssa Rosenberg
Mike Riggs

Reason magazine

Leo Beletsky
Amy Bach
Kevin Sharp
Zachary Bolitho

The first months of the Trump administration have confirmed that criminal justice will remain a contentious issue for the foreseeable future. Trump’s “law and order” rhetoric on the campaign trail has led to significant changes in federal criminal justice policy. At the state and local levels, lawmakers are struggling with the opioid epidemic, overincarceration, and how to work with new federal enforcement goals.

In the current environment, how should legislators tackle the most serious and enduring criminal justice issues? What policies should be implemented? What should officials’ priorities be? To answer these and other questions, experts from courtrooms, universities, law enforcement agencies, and think tanks gathered at the Cato Institute for its third annual criminal justice conference, Criminal Justice at a Crossroads.

9:00AM — 9:15AM Opening Remarks

Clark Neily, Vice President for Criminal Justice, Cato Institute

9:15AM — 10:25AM Panel 1: Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve

Chief Ron Davis (ret.), East Palo Alto, California Police Department and principal consultant, 21st Century Policing Strategies LLC
Chief J. Thomas Manger, Montgomery County, Maryland and president of the Major Cities Chiefs Association
Sgt. Renée J. Mitchell, American Society of Evidence-Based Policing
Moderated by Jonathan Blanks, Research Associate in Cato’s Project on Criminal Justice, Cato Institute

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10:25AM — 10:40AM Break

10:40AM — 11:05AM Flash Talk

Hon. Steven S. Alm, Judge (ret.), First Circuit Court of Hawai’i, creator of HOPE Probation

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11:05AM — 12:15PM Panel 2: The Defendant in Court

Hon. Jed Rakoff, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
Scott Greenfield, criminal defense attorney and editor of Simple Justice
Suja Thomas, professor of law at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Moderated by Trevor Burrus, Research Fellow, Cato Institute

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12:15PM — 1:15PM Lunch

1:15PM — 2:00PM Flash Talk

Alyssa Rosenberg, opinion writer, Washington Post
Amy Bach, Executive Director and President of Measures for Justice

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2:00PM — 3:10PM Panel 3: Criminal Justice and the Border

Dara Lind, senior reporter, Vox​.com
Laura Donohue, professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center
Jay Ahern, principal and security services practice leader at The Chertoff Group and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Moderated by Matthew Feeney, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute

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3:10PM — 3:30PM Break

3:30PM — 3:45PM Flash Talk

William R. Kelly, professor of sociology and director of the Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice Research at the University of Texas at Austin

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3:45PM — 4:55PM Panel 4: The Drug War and the Opioid Crisis: Approaches and Remedies

Leo Beletsky, professor, School of Law & Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University
Jeffrey Miron, director of economic studies at the Cato Institute and senior lecturer on economics and director of undergraduate studies at Harvard University
Zachary Bolitho, Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General
Moderated by Mike Riggs, reporter, Reason

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4:55PM — 5:00PM Break

5:00PM — 5:30PM Keynote

Kevin Sharp Nashville Managing Partner, Sanford Heisler Sharp, and former Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee

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5:30PM — 5:40PM Closing Remarks

Clark Neily, Vice President for Criminal Justice, Cato Institute

5:40PM — 6:40PM Reception