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Cato Club Naples

Fighting a Federal Takeover: From Health Care to Banking

Wednesday, December 12, 2013
Grey Oaks Country Club
2400 Grey Oaks Drive North
Naples, FL

By invitation only

To become a member of Cato Club Naples, please contact Lesley Albanese at lalbanese@​cato.​org or 202–789-5223

Featuring Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and Dan Mitchell, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; moderated by Robert Levy, Chairman, Cato Institute.

Join us for Cato Club Naples—a series of exclusive events for Cato Sponsors whose annual contribution is $1,000 or more. Our first luncheon will feature presentations by Cato scholars Chris Edwards, director of tax policy studies, and senior fellow Dan Mitchell.

Chris Edwards will begin our program with a discussion on the fiscal dysfunction of Washington. He is responsible for Cato’s very popular website Down​siz​ing​Gov​ern​ment​.org—a department- by-department guide to cutting the Federal budget—and will share his insights on what needs to be done to solve Washington’s massive deficit spending.

Next, Dan Mitchell, a strong advocate for a flat tax and international tax competition, will also examine the timely topic of Washington’s financial crisis. As a former economist with the Senate Finance Committee, Dan will give an inside-the-Beltway view on what the nation can expect from January’s looming budget battle.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
12:00–12:15 p.m. Registration and Reception
12:15–2:00 p.m. Policy Forum and Luncheon

For further information, please contact Mackenzie Johnson at 202–789-5226 or mjohnson@​cato.​org.