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Cato Digital

Buzzfeed For Non-Profits

ERMAGERD! How to Ryan Gosling your Grumpy Cat

Date and Time
1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring Benny Johnson, Associate Editor, Buzzfeed (@bennyjohnson); Moderated by Kat Murti, Digital Marketing Manager, Cato Institute (@KatMurti).

BuzzFeed has quickly become one of the most trafficked websites in America by artfully combining list humor, memes, news, and policy. What can your organization do to get in on the game? Join us Thursday, October 10th at noon for lunchtime presentation by Benny Johnson of BuzzFeed, followed by a roundtable discussion. Come prepared to share your own experiences and join in the discussion with other digital strategy and new and social media professionals.

If you can’t make it to the Cato Institute, watch this event live online at www​.cato​.org/live and join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #NewMediaLunch. Also follow @CatoEvents on Twitter to get future event updates, live streams, and videos from the Cato Institute.