We might still be three months away from the COP26 Glasgow climate conference, but the Government appears to be in a mad environmental policy scramble already.

A fortnight ago, COP26 spokeswoman Allegra Stratton advised us to do our bit for the environment by leaving our plates dirty before putting them in the dishwasher. Now, we read Boris Johnson might flip-flop on a proposal to ban new gas boiler installations by 2035. Ministers have apparently just realised that heat pump alternatives are expensive. Who knew?

These odd pronouncements and wild policy swings are a function of setting a crude net zero carbon target for 2050, without fully thinking through the economic and political implications.

Most economists recommend that governments aiming to reduce carbon emissions implement a consistent carbon tax across all emissions-generating activities. A uniform tax on carbon would encourage the most efficient adjustment by households and businesses to recognising its social cost. It provides an incentive to switch to lower carbon technologies, yes, but allows those who really value carbon intensive products to use them, albeit paying the appropriate price.

There are difficult challenges to implementing carbon taxes in reality, of course, not least in assessing carbon content of goods and making border adjustments for imports. But Westminster’s current starting point for carbon emissions reductions is far worse. It instead centres on planning, with the Government defining which activities need to be curbed or what new technologies are needed to contribute to the net zero goal.

The result is a set of inefficient mandates and industrial policies that the Chancellor believes will bring huge fiscal and economic costs. The more they hear, in fact, the more Tory MPs in Red Wall seats worry about the coming burden on their constituents.

In this environment, it won’t be long until populist measures promising that someone else will pay become appealing. This week highlighted one such idea, as the New Economics Foundation (NEF) advocated for a “frequent flyer levy” to cut airline emissions.

Entrenched in the sector-by-sector planning approach, the government-advising Climate Change Committee says airline passenger numbers must be capped at 25pc above current levels through 2050 for the sector to deliver its net zero contribution.

Given expected passenger growth, that probably requires either constraining airport capacity or curbing flight demand. To deliver the latter, the NEF thinks we should implement an escalating personal flight levy to replace air passenger duty.

Under this policy, a person’s first outbound or domestic flight from a UK airport each year would incur no charge. After that, the per flight levy would increase with each additional journey for that person.

In effect, we’d be introducing a personal “flight tax” system that, like an income tax, has a “personal allowance” of one flight, with higher levies greeting every subsequent journey within a year. The practical consequence? Rich people doing a lot of international travel would cross-subsidise air travel for the poor.

Today’s aviation taxes don’t make much environmental sense. Kerosene fuel is untaxed and flight tickets are zero-rated in the VAT system. These “tax subsidies” undermine the Government’s climate goals. But the levy proposal would worsen its incoherence. Shaped by the desire to whack the wealthy business traveller and spare the one-off holidaymaker, proponents seem to forget that the real goal is reducing emissions.

“A carbon tax should be proportional to carbon dioxide emitted. The frequent flyer levy is not,” explains environmental economist Richard Tol.

The NEF report admits that a “flight from London to Australia has about 15 times the carbon impact of a flight from London to Barcelona.” Yet, under the policy, both these flights would face the same levy if they were the second flight each for two individuals. At the same time, a semi-regular flyer to Europe would bear much higher levies than someone doing more climate harm through an annual journey Down Under.

This obviously makes no sense for mitigating carbon emissions. In fact, even for flights to the same place, the FFL treats passengers differently depending on their travel history. We would create economic pain for no environmental gain. But that’s what happens when you start worrying more about the optics than the economics.

Flying, of course, is not the problem; emissions are. So we don’t want to make additional flights more prohibitively expensive than their carbon emissions demand. What we do want is to incentivise airlines to adopt cleaner fuels and more efficient engines. A frequent flyer levy doesn’t do this either, because it taxes the number of personal flights, rather than the emissions-generating fuel.

Boris Johnson’s stated desire to achieve “jet zero” by 2025 — a commercial transatlantic flight producing no carbon emissions — was laughed off by commentators as a “gimmick”. But his goal was laudable. Innovations allowing us to travel with less emissions are win-win. There’s nothing undesirable about air travel per se.

And yet, despite all these problems, a frequent flyer levy polls better than an airline carbon tax, imposing VAT on air travel, or rationing. So as the regressive effects of other green proposals become clear, many politicians will be drawn to ideas like it that appear to spare most of their constituents.

For any distributional goal, of course, a uniform tax can be designed to better a FFL. The Government could always collect the revenues and then redistribute them “progressively” if it wanted. This would be better for the poor, in fact, because they could spend that money on whatever they wanted, rather than simply enjoying a flight “allowance.”

But pesky concerns like economic efficiency clearly don’t animate our politicians. With the panic the Government is getting into as the costs of its green agenda becomes clear, watch out for misguided “bash the rich” climate policies next.