Economists are weary from having to explain the importance of the price mechanism to resistant politicians and the public. Whether it’s energy price caps, rent controls, or minimum wage hikes, many MPs and much of the electorate seem to believe prices can just be mandated to achieve social objectives at any time, suspending the realities of supply and demand.

When panics such as the fuel frenzy set in, any prospect of a rational discussion on how market pricing might improve resource allocation becomes more hopeless still. Yet if this week hasn’t shown us the limitations of suppressing market-clearing price signals in favour of government messaging, what will?

In response to petrol station queues as HGV driver shortages created public uncertainty about fuel supplies, ministers decided that shouting “There is no fuel shortage!” on social media was the correct way of stemming the run. The public was sympathetic, widely denouncing “idiots” filling up “when they don’t need to”.

Yet the behaviour of the buyers was rational and the Government rhetoric was not. As Frontier Economics’ David Foster has outlined, each driver’s fuel decision reflects not just their demands given their own beliefs, but their beliefs about what others believe, and their beliefs about what others believe they believe. It’s this second-guessing that means shortages can develop quickly, even if there’s no “true” scarcity of petrol.

When some people think there are petrol shortages imminent, they rush to the pumps. If others believe this will happen, then a shortage becomes more likely and so filling up today becomes a reasonable insurance policy. Pretty soon, this action and reaction generates media stories showing long queues at forecourts, making an immediate shortage likely. Prophecies about shortages become self-fulfilling, with today’s petrol demand temporarily exceeding supply.

This, Foster explains, is why the Government’s messaging exacerbates the problem. By screaming “there is no shortage!” ministers such as Nadine Dorries might think they are calming those deciding whether to queue. But a Government minister feeling the need to reassure people there is no shortage reminds waverers that lots of people believe there is. The communication accelerates the spiral.

Rather than cheap rhetoric from ministers, the voice we needed was the price messenger. Whatever sparked the frenzy, long queues show that prices were temporarily far too low for supply and demand to be equalised. Even in places where pump prices were jacked up to 208.5p per litre, stations ran dry quickly.

When the desire for a good spikes unexpectedly, the excess demand relative to supply ordinarily puts sharp upward pressure on prices. This certainly sends a message that there are near-term shortages at the old price. But unlike the self-defeating government message, wrapped around this price signal are incentives that help clear the supply-demand gap.

More expensive fuel makes people reconsider what they need to purchase. Those loading up jerrycans face a higher cost for hoarding. Yes, if one expects prices to keep rising, a jump today could generate even longer lines. But, in this case, with few truly believing shortages existed, a sharp price rise would raise the cost of panic buying. Eliminating frivolous demand would make it more likely those who really, really needed petrol to get to work or to visit elderly family could access it, albeit more expensively.

As importantly, a higher price incentivises petrol companies to get more drivers on the road — paying for overtime wages, training drivers, rehiring quickly, or whatever else is necessary to fulfil the more profitable demands. And not just this time: a price spike encourages companies to be ready for future panics, in the same way an Uber price surge after a concert encourages more app drivers to look out for schedules for future demand booms.

So why didn’t market prices, which did rise, fully adjust to clear the market? It seems a tale of both politics and public resistance.

Sir Mike Penning, a Conservative MP, branded stations that raised prices above 150p an “absolute disgrace” in one newspaper, highlighting the potential for political pressure or legislative blowback. Last year, the Competition and Markets Authority opened an investigation into companies charging “unfair” prices for hand sanitiser after the pandemic hit and lobbied for US-style anti-pricing gouging legislation, sending a chilling message to retailers considering price hikes in emergencies.

But it’s not just the political reaction. When panics hit, the public seems ultra-sensitive to price rises, considering them immoral. New sellers of face masks on Amazon’s marketplace last year charged substantially higher prices than older providers — reflecting the reputational constraint of being seen by existing customers to profit during emergencies.

For some reason, we collectively act as if supply and demand doesn’t matter during panics. We wail against “greedy profiteering” or “price gouging”, implicitly comparing the world of higher prices with a hypothetical one where petrol is cheaply abundant, and presuming all suppliers have monopoly power.

This week, people have said higher prices shouldn’t happen because “poor consumers will be worse off”, ignoring that queuing costs time, with willingness to pay likely better allocating petrol to those who really value it highly. People have bemoaned “essential workers” having to stump up more, passing over that the alternative for many is running out of petrol. People have talked up how “the people filling up jerry cans are the problem”, without recognising that today’s low prices encourage such behaviour.

Societally, we have held the price messenger hostage this week, forcing it to tell us a comforting lie about the availability of petrol. But embedded within the signal of sharply rising prices are useful incentives to alter our behaviour. Politicians and voters might deplore the effects of price hikes in emergencies. The results of substituting cheap talk and reputational constraints for them are queues and shortages.