Michael Tanner’s list of winners and losers from last night seems spot-on but it is incomplete in one regard — his list of losers leaves out the Kennedy clan. Despite the endorsement of Ted Kennedy, Massachusetts went for Clinton, surely one in the eye for the Bay State’s senior senator.

But then Ted Kennedy endorsements have never fared well in recent times. Since 1982 the Senator has had an unerring ability to back the loser when it comes to presidential races: those he supports either fail to win the party nomination or are beaten subsequently in the general election. Kennedy’s endorsements since 1982 have been: Dukakis, Mondale, Tsongas, Gore and Kerry. However, he did get it right in 1996, but that was an easy one.

The Kennedy clan was also dispatched to deliver latino votes in California for Barack Obama. A notable failure there, as well.