I have written previously about the damnable decision to include a bust of Stalin in the new National D‑Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. An excerpt of my attack on this misguided move:

Memorials are monuments to fallen heroes, not historical dioramas. There is no statue of Stephen Douglas at the Lincoln Memorial, no bust of Wendell Willkie at the FDR Memorial, and no plaques honoring Axis dead at our WWII Memorial. Moreover — and perhaps most importantly from a historical perspective – Stalin had no role in D‑Day; the invasion of Normandy by U.S., British, Canadian, Australian, Free French, and other Western forces.

While there is no question that Stalin, by virtue of commanding the army fighting on the Eastern Front, played an indispensable role in defeating Hitler, it should escape no one’s memory that he too was an evil, mass-murdering despot.

As it happens, this past Sunday was the anniversary of D‑Day, so of course this travesty is in the news again. Here’s a statement from Lee Edwards, chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation:

Clearly, the National D‑Day Memorial Foundation knows it made a monumental mistake by including Stalin in its Memorial. It tried to justify its action by adding a plaque citing the tyrant’s “tens of millions of victims” and then to minimize it by privately installing the bust five days before the formal dedication of the D‑Day Memorial on June 6.

But the Stalin bust remains as does the profound injury to the memory of those who launched a crusade for freedom in Europe in June 1944. The honorable thing for the National D‑Day Memorial Foundation to do is to remove the bust without delay.

Felicitously, at 10 a.m. today there will be a wreath-laying at the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington (corner of Massachusetts Ave. and New Jersey Ave. NW):

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This event will mark the memorial’s third anniversary, as well as signaling our continued vigilance against the deadliest ideology in human history.

According to a VCMF press statement, at least 12 foreign embassies and nearly 20 ethnic organizations will lay wreaths in honor of the more than 100 million victims of Communism. Among the invited speakers are Representatives Dan Lipinski of Illinois and Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan, Swedish MP Göran Lindblad, and Tiananmen Square activist Dr. Yang Jianli. For more information, contact Jaron Janson or Steve Miller at at 202–536-2373 or vocmemorial@​aol.​com.