In the Fall 2011 article “What Should We Do about Social Security Disability Appeals?” by Richard J. Pierce, Jr., the $2.1 billion in benefits granted by administrative law judge Charles Bridges was incorrectly characterized as being for a one-year period. That total was for a four-year period.

Also, the article incorrectly stated the portion of total federal spending attributable to Social Security disability benefits awarded by administrative law judges. For Fiscal Year 2011, these benefits equaled roughly 1 percent of total federal spending and 2.5 percent of the federal budget deficit.

In the Fall 2011 article “The Standard Environmental Narrative” by William L. Anderson and Patrick Moffitt, the text incorrectly indicates the authors’ assessment of the Chesapeake Bay watershed nitrogen reduction efforts. The text should have read that “in bays like Barnegat and the Chesapeake, such programs have not been shown to have demonstrated value.”