I had the privilege of being one of Bill Niskanen’s first students at the University of California, Berkeley’s Graduate School of Public Policy. Bill was not only a brilliant scholar, he was also a charismatic teacher who attracted students from across the political spectrum—and at Berkeley, that spectrum was mighty wide.

Bill deeply influenced our class of policy analysts in our formation as professionals. The values I took away from my class work and research with Bill included:

  • Be rigorous in your analysis. Use facts; verify them before using them. Apply them carefully.
  • Respect others. You may challenge someone’s opinions, assumptions, and/​or reasoning, but do not attack the person.
  • Remember to challenge your own opinions, assumptions, and reasoning, especially when they may lead to more government activity.
  • Have a sense of humor. You will encounter much absurdity in policy work.
  • Have integrity. We all know Bill paid a price to maintain his integrity. That inspired many of us to have that courage when necessary.
  • Make time to help others, especially those less fortunate than you.
  • Enjoy each day and thank God for it.

I have drawn on Bill’s wonderful example for the 30-plus years of my career in public policy. The value of his example has been beyond measure—which I’m sure would strike Bill as ironic.

May he rest in peace.