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In Regulation, many of the nation’s top economists, law professors, and other policy experts offer easy-to-understand guidance and insights on microeconomics and regulatory policy affecting every American’s life. For four decades, this quarterly journal has examined nearly every market, from agriculture to health and transportation, and nearly every government intervention, from interstate commerce to labor law and price controls.

The journal is expansive—covering the effects of policy on everything from the Internet to professional sports and everything in between—and precise—each article is anchored in microeconomic or statistical analysis. Regulation guarantees the careful, in-depth analysis you need to stay on top of regulatory and economic policymaking in Washington, D.C.

Distinguished History

Published since 1977, Regulation was started by the American Enterprise Institute and acquired by the Cato Institute in 1989. Past editors include such esteemed policy thinkers as Murray Weidenbaum and Antonin Scalia; Walter Olson and Peter Huber; Anne Brunsdale and Robert Bork; Christopher C. DeMuth and William A. Niskanen. Peter Van Doren, a former professor at Princeton and Yale, has edited the magazine since 1999.

Read William A. Niskanen’s retrospective on the 25th anniversary of Regulation.

Editorial Excellence

Although Regulation’s articles are written by prominent economists, political scientists, and law professors, they are always clear and accessible to the interested policymaker or lay reader. Professors often find them useful in upper-division and graduate classes for providing a solid review of business and government.

Important Topics

Telecommunications and the FCC
Environment and the EPA
Medicine and Pharmaceuticals
Housing and Urban Development
Energy Policy
Financial Services and Banking
Antitrust Litigation
Risk Assessment

Regulation Staff and Editorial Board

Management Staff

Editor: Peter Van Doren, Cato Institute
Managing Editor: Thomas A. Firey, Cato Institute

Regular Contributors

Contributing Editor: Ike Brannon, Jack Kemp Foundation
Contributing Writers: Sam Batkins, Art Carden, David R. Henderson, George Leef, Pierre Lemieux, Vern McKinley, Phil R. Murray


Design and Layout: David Herbick Design
Printer: The Sheridan Press

Editorial Advisory Board

Christopher C. DeMuth, Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
Susan E. Dudley, Research Professor and Director of the Regulatory Studies Center, George Washington University
William A. Fischel, Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College
H.E. Frech III, Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara
Robert W. Hahn, Professor and Director of Economics, Oxford University
Scott E. Harrington, Alan B. Miller Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
James J. Heckman, Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Andrew N. Kleit, MICASU Faculty Fellow, Pennsylvania State University
Michael C. Munger, Professor of Political Science, Duke University
Sam Peltzman, Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Chicago
George L. Priest, John M. Olin Professor of Law and Economics, Yale Law School
Paul H. Rubin, Professor of Economics and Law, Emory University
Jane S. Shaw, Board Member, Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
W. Kip Viscusi, University Distinguished Professor of Law, Economics, and Management, Vanderbilt University
Clifford Winston, Senior Fellow in Economic Studies, Brookings Institution
Benjamin Zycher, Senior Fellow, Pacific Research Institute