Do No Harm
The International Pain Foundation is an advocacy and educational group for patients with a wide variety of chronic pain conditions. The organization has honored Cato senior fellow Jeffrey A. Singer, who is also a practicing surgeon, with its Hero of Hope award for 2022 in recognition of his work highlighting how government policies intended to fight addiction have seriously harmed patients. For more, see “The Misguided War on Painkillers” in the March/​April 2022 issue of Cato Policy Report.

Counting Votes
In debate on the House floor on the Electoral Count Act reform bill from Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D‑CA) and Rep. Liz Cheney (R‑WY), both members quoted Cato adjunct scholar Andy Craig’s positive analysis of the proposal on the Cato at Liberty blog. A parallel effort in the Senate, led by Sen. Susan Collins (R‑ME) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D‑WV), was also amended in committee to include language recommended by Craig and research fellow Thomas Berry.

Student Outreach
David Boaz, distinguished senior fellow and the longtime executive vice president of Cato, has spoken recently to a number of student groups across the country. These include two events each for the National Student Leadership Conference and the Close Up Foundation, Students for Liberty’s leadership conference hosted at Cato, and a gathering in Dallas of undergraduate students from a variety of Texas and Arkansas universities who have been reading works on libertarian theory, including Boaz’s The Libertarian Mind.