James Bacchus joined the Cato Institute’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies in January as a senior fellow. He was a founding judge and was twice the chairman—the chief judge—of the highest court of world trade, the appellate body of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. He served for two terms as a member of Congress from Florida and is also a former international trade negotiator for the United States. For more than 14 years, he chaired the global practice of the largest law firm in the United States. He is the author of Trade and Freedom and The Willing World: Shaping and Sharing a Sustainable Global Prosperity, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press in 2018.

In 2017 Cato’s Julian Sanchez authored three of the most-read articles on Just Security, an online forum that analyzes U.S. national security law and policy, based out of the New York University School of Law.

In late October, members of Italy’s Pietro Nenni Foundation met at Cato with Roger Pilon and Ilya Shapiro. They were familiar with Cato’s 16 annual Constitution Day symposiums. With the 70th anniversary of Italy’s Constitution coming up on December 22, they were seeking advice on doing something like that in Rome. Shortly thereafter, the foundation’s Prof. Luigi Trioni drafted the program for Italy’s first Constitution Day symposium and invited Pilon to give an hour-long keynote address on American constitutionalism. Under the “high patronage” of President Sergio Mattarella, the event took place on December 22. Pilon’s address, “American Constitutional Theory and History: Implications for European Constitutionalism,” was translated into Italian before the event. It will appear in both languages when the proceedings are published as a book later this year. While in Rome, Pilon did interviews with La Voce di New York and the Italian magazine Formiche. He also had lengthy discussions on constitutional matters with Justice Giulio Prosperetti, a member of Italy’s Constitutional Court, and Counselor Giancarlo Montedoro, legal advisor to President Mattarella.