Unalienable Right to Use a Private Company’s Property
Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf today called on Twitter to no longer obstruct Americans’ unalienable right to communicate with each other, their government, and its officials on the platform.
— U.S. Department of Homeland Security, October 30, 2020

Buying Votes (Cont.)
Some voters … said they appreciated getting a pandemic stimulus check bearing Mr. Trump’s signature, which showed he cared about them.
Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2020

Google Accused of Serving Consumers Too Well
Google’s dominance in search has drawn more regulatory scrutiny and criticism from rivals and lawmakers in recent months, something that is expected to culminate in the Department of Justice filing an antitrust suit against the company in the coming weeks.…

Google has been great for consumers, [competing CEO Barry] Diller said, but it increasingly restricts competitors by making it more expensive to compete in online advertising.
Washington Post, October 12, 2020

Big Brother Is Watching You, to Little Effect
At one elementary school in southern China, students must send teachers short videos of their dinner each night to verify they are cleaning their plates, according to the state-run People’s Daily.
Washington Post, October 6, 2020

So Many Policyes This Could Apply to
Like every new idea with such good intentions, it turned out disastrous.
Washington Post, October 10, 2020

Maybe Politics Isn’t the Best Way to Improve the World
I have voted in 53 local, state and national elections in California, New York and Maryland over 54 years. I don’t recall a single moment when my vote helped improve schools.
— Jay Mathews in the Washington Post, November 7, 2020

There’ll Be Time Enough for Answers When the Votin’s Done
Joe Biden on Friday again refused to state whether he would attempt to pack the Supreme Court if elected president.…

[Reporter Ross] DiMattei said the question of court packing was the “number-one issue” viewers have asked him about.

“Sir, don’t the voters deserve to know” DiMattei asked.

“No they don’t deserve—I’m not gonna play [President Trump’s] game,” Biden responded.
— Yahoo! News, October 10, 2020

Somebody Buy Cuormo a Dictionary
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) responded angrily Monday to sheriffs in the state who said they would not be enforcing COVID-19 restrictions that limit indoor gatherings, including during the upcoming holidays.…

“You don’t have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce, and you don’t enforce laws that you don’t agree with. Right. That’s not a law enforcement officer. That’s a dictator,” he added.
The Hill, November 23, 2020

You Don’t Say
The penal code states that those who are guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private comments, and a maximum of three years in jail for public remarks.… Still, not everyone is happy about the aggressive approach Norway is taking when it comes to LGBTQ+ protections. Some opponents believe the amendments threaten free speech.
— Out​.com, November 11, 2020