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Daniel Raisbeck

Policy Analyst

Daniel Raisbeck is a policy analyst on Latin America at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity.

Previously he was a senior fellow at the Reason Foundation, the editor‐ in‐ chief of the PanAm Post, and a lecturer at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala. He writes frequently on Latin American affairs. His op‐​eds have appeared in The Wall Street Journal and Foreign Policy, among other leading publications. He has been a regular guest at Univision, NTN24, and other Spanish‐ language news outlets. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree (D. Phil) in Ancient History from the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). He received his BA in classics from George Washington University and co-edited a volume on Macedonian and Roman grand strategy (2020). He edited Colombia’s official book on the bicentenary of independence (2019) and co‐​edited a volume on Macedonian and Roman grand strategy (2020). In 2015, he ran for mayor of Bogota as an independent libertarian.

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