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Power Problems •

The Persistent Status Quo on North Korea

Pusan National University professor Robert E. Kelly looks back at Trump era policies toward North Korea, discusses what a deal with Pyongyang might entail, the impact of South Korean politics, and whether changes in US posture can alter the persistent status quo on the peninsula.

Show Notes

  1. Robert E. Kelly bio
  2. Robert E. Kelly, “The Persistent Status Quo with North Korea: Why Has so Little Changed since 2017?,” Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 31, no. 3 (2019).
  3. Robert E. Kelly and Paul Poast, “The Allies Are Alright: Why America Can Get Away with Bullying Its Friends,” Foreign Affairs 101, no. 2 (March/​April 2022).
  4. Robert E. Kelly, “In Defense of North Korean Sanctions,” Korea Observer 53, no. 2 (Summer 2022).
Robert E. Kelly

Political Science, International Relations, East Asia, US Politics

John Glaser
John Glaser

Host, Power Problems Podcast