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Monetary Rules for a Post-Crisis World — Panel II: Monetary Rules and Monetary Stability

On September 7, 2016, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives teamed up to host a distinguished group of scholars to explore pressing questions about monetary policy rules.

This video shows the second panel of the conference, “Monetary Rules and Monetary Stability.” The panel was moderated by Ryan Avent, Senior Economic Editor at the Economist and featured the following scholars:

Robert Hetzel, Staff Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
David Papell, Joel W. Sailors Endowed Professor of Economics and Chair, Department of Economics, University of Houston
Scott Sumner, Ralph G. Hawtrey Chair of Monetary Policy and Director, Program on Monetary Policy, Mercatus Center at George Mason University and Professor of Economics at Bentley University.

More information on the “Monetary Rules for a Post-Crisis World” event: http://​mer​ca​tus​.org/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​m​o​n​e​t​a​r​y​-​r​u​l​e​s​-​p​o​s​t​-​c​r​i​s​i​s​-​world.

Robert L. Hetzel
Scott Sumner cropped
Scott Sumner

George Mason University

David Papell