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A Fed for Next Time: Ideas for a Crisis‐​Ready Central Bank — Panel 1: Reforming Credit Policy

Full event: A Fed for Next Time: Ideas for a Crisis‐​Ready Central Bank

In just a dozen years, the Federal Reserve has faced two severe crises. And twice it has responded by leaning heavily on emergency lending powers it seldom used before by improvising temporary lending programs and taking part in fiscal policy.

In the meantime, the Fed’s nonemergency lending facilities have hardly changed, and may well prove insufficient when the Fed faces its next crisis.

The implication of this is both obvious and ominous: while we still count on the Fed to deal with crises, we no longer know how it will deal with them. Instead of being predictable, the Fed’s crisis‐​prevention methods have become unpredictable–and controversial–adding to, instead of allaying, economic scrutiny.

Can we do better? Can we improve the Fed’s systematic response to crises, making that response both more effective and more predictable? Can we thereby limit the Fed’s entanglement in politics? What can the Fed do to promote these ends? What might Congress do?

For some expert answers, please join us for a joint Cato Institute–Mercatus Center at George Mason University virtual conference series, A Fed for Next Time: Ideas for a Crisis‐​Ready Central Bank, hosted by George Selgin and David Beckworth.

Sir Paul Tucker
Kathryn Judge
Lev Menand
Jeanna Smiealek cropped
Jeanna Smialek

New York Times