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Cato Video •

Toward a Libertarian Foreign Policy

View the full event here: https://​www​.cato​.org/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​t​o​w​a​r​d​-​l​i​b​e​r​t​a​r​i​a​n​-​f​o​r​e​i​g​n​-​p​olicy

The promises of stability and peace from both Democratic and Republican administrations have yet to be fulfilled, and the costs of foreign wars in blood, treasure, and prestige have taken their toll. The American public is both tired and wary of intervention. Has the time finally come for a libertarian foreign policy? What would it look like? He spoke at a Cato Institute event this May to discuss the push for a more libertarian foreign policy.

Jim Antle