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Capitol Hill Briefing

What Should the United States Do about North and South Korea?

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B-338 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Ted Galen Carpenter, Author, Peace and Freedom: Foreign Policy for a Constitutional Republic and Vice President for Foreign Policy and Defense Studies ; and Doug Bandow, Author, Tripwire: Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changed World and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute.

North Korea’s recent actions have ignited a crisis in northeast Asia. Unfortunately, the options under discussion for dealing with this crisis all have major drawbacks. Meanwhile, 37,000 U.S. troops are potentially in harm’s way in South Korea, and relations between Washington and Seoul are tense. Please join Cato scholars for a discussion of the interests and responsibilities of the United States regarding the Korean peninsula and recommendations on how to proceed in this ever-more-dangerous region of the world.