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Policy Forum

U.S. Farm Trade Policies: Ripe for Reform?

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Clayton Yeutter, Former U.S. Agriculture Secretary and Trade Representative; Cal Dooley, Former U.S. Representative (D‑CA); Brian Fisher, Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics; Daniel Griswold, Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute

A U.S. proposal to reduce global farm subsidies and trade barriers has breathed life back into global trade talks on the eve of an important World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong in December. Reducing those barriers will be the key to a successful Doha Round of trade negotiations in the WTO. A Cato Policy Forum will examine the prospects for meaningful agricultural trade reform at home and abroad, and discuss the potential benefits for American consumers, producers, taxpayers, and farmers. The event will highlight two recent studies from the Cato Institute and the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics (ABARE) on the opportunities to expand markets for farm products.