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Capitol Hill Briefing

Social Security & Young Workers

A Cato Institute Event Series

Date and Time
Hayek Auditorium
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Meredith Bagby, Third Millennium; Matthew Moore, National Center for Policy Analysis; and Andrew Biggs, Cato Institute.
A Cato Institute Event Series
Cosponsored with America's Future Foundation and Third Millennium

Social Security and Young Americans
September 10, 12, 19, 24, 2002
Seminars on the Hill & at the Cato Institute • Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, September 10

Cato Institute: 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Young Workers' Unique Stake in Social Security Reform

Young Americans have the most to lose if Social Security becomes insolvent,and the most to gain from plans to make it sustainable over the long run. Speakerswill debate the best ways to maintain and improve Social Security for the future,including options that incorporate personal retirement accounts.

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Moderator-Richard Thau
Executive Director, Third Millennium

Meredith Bagby
Board Member, Third Millennium

Matthew Moore
Policy Analyst, National Center for Policy Analysis

Shaun O'Brien
Assistant Director, Public Policy Department, AFL-CIO

Sarah Harding
Policy Analyst, Economic Policy Institute

Introduction--Tom Ivancie
President, America's Future Foundation

Featured Address: Who's Cutting What?Comparing Costs and Benefits in the Social Security Reform Debate
Andrew G. Biggs
Social Security Analyst, Cato Institute

Thursday, September 12

Capitol Hill: Rayburn House Office Building, Room B-338: 4:30-6:30 p.m.
(Reception to follow)

How Would the President's Commission's Plans Affect Young Americans?

The President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security put forward threeplans to improve Social Security's finances and allow workers to invest inpersonal retirement accounts. How would these plans affect younger Americans?Do they go too far, or not far enough?

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Moderator-Maya MacGuineas
Senior Fellow, New America Foundation

Charles P. Blahous
Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, National Economic Council
Executive Director, President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security

Jeffrey R. Brown
Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Illinois

Jeff Lemieux
Senior Economist, Progressive Policy Institute

Andrew A. Samwick
Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College

Featured Address: No More Spin:The Real Case for Social Security Reform
Kent Smetters
Asst. Professor of Insurance and Risk Management, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

Thursday, September 19

Cato Institute: 4:30-6:30 p.m.
(Reception to follow)

Savings, Investment, and Young Americans

With Social Security facing long-term imbalance, younger Americans need tobe more self-reliant than ever when it comes to planning their financial futures.Are young Americans equipped to invest? What can the financial servicescommunity do to reach to out to this new generation of investors?

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Moderator-David C. John
Research Fellow, Social Security,The Heritage Foundation

Chris Stallman

Jaqueline Mosso
Manager, Participant Education, Prudential Financial

Jonathan Harel
Financial Advisor, American Express Financial Advisors

Featured Address: Social Security and the Millennial Generation
Neil Howe
Senior Advisor, Concord Coalition; Author, Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation

Tuesday, September 24

Capitol Hill: Longworth House Office Building, Room 1539: 4:30-6:30 p.m.
(Reception to follow)

The Politics of Social Security Reform

Social Security reform could be one of the hottest issues in theupcoming elections. Where do the political parties stand on personalaccounts, and how do young Americans feel about the issues?

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Moderator-John S. Barry
Chief Economist and Director of Research, Tax Foundation

Jennifer Olson
Legislative Assistant, Representative Jim Kolbe's Office

Andrew Biggs
Social Security Analyst, Cato Institute

Lex Paulson
Vice President, College Democrats of America

Hans Riemer
Senior Policy Analyst, Campaign for America’s Future

Featured Address: The Gen-X Perspective and Social Security Reform
Bruce Tulgan
Founder, Rainmaker Thinking; Author, Managing Generation X

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