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Reclaiming Conservatism: How a Great American Political Movement Got Lost — And How It Can Find Its Way Back

(Oxford University Press, 2008)

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring the author, Mickey Edwards, Former Member of Congress; Former Chairman, American Conservative Union; Lecturer, Princeton University; with comments by Edward Crane, President, Cato Institute.

Some believe the 2008 election may transform the modern conservative movement. Others say the administration of George W. Bush has already moved the Republican Party away from any claim to being the champion of limited government and individual liberty. Mickey Edwards argues that conservatives have abandoned these principles in favor of an imperial presidency. These “conservatives” have gutted the system of checks and balances, abandoned due process, and trampled on our cherished civil liberties. From Goldwater to Reagan, conservatives tried to protect citizens from government intrusion; now they see few limits on what government can do. Please join us for a discussion of this new book and its implications for the next administration and beyond.