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The Quotable Jefferson

(Princeton University Press, 2006)

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Featuring John P. Kaminski, Director, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, University of Wisconsin, Madison and Matthew Spaulding, Director of Center for American Studies, Heritage Foundation.

More than any other Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson made his reputation on the brilliance of his writing, not least the stirring defense of limited government and individual rights in the Declaration of Independence. Few writers have said so much on so many subjects—and said it so well—as Jefferson. The Quotable Jefferson—the most comprehensive and authoritative book of Jefferson quotations ever published—demonstrates that. John Kaminski of the University of Wisconsin has collected and arranged Jefferson’s pronouncements on almost 500 subjects, ranging from the profound and public—the Constitution—to the personal and peculiar—cold water bathing. Please join us to discuss the life and writings of our foremost defender of liberty.