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Policy Forum

President Bush’s Immigration Proposal: Too Much, Too Little, or about Right?

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring Margaret Spellings, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy; Daniel T. Griswold, Cato Institute; Frank Sharry, National Immigration Forum; Steven Camarota, Center for Immigration Studies; and moderated by Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review.

Last week President Bush announced plans for a dramatic revamp of America’s immigration regime. If the policy goes into effect, it will be the largest overhaul of our immigration system in more than 15 years. And it is about time, say reformers: for too long the United States has pursued an illogical and ineffective policy toward Mexican immigration. Critics of the plan are of a different mind: they see the Bush proposal as a reward to illegal immigrants for breaking the law and as a welcome mat for waves of new illegal immigrants. Do the proposals go too far? Not far enough? Join us as our panel of experts sorts through the pluses and minuses, the facts and the myths, of current immigration policy and the new Bush proposal.