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Capitol Hill Briefing

Obama’s Fiscal Policies: Ignoring the Global Tax Revolution

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B-339 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Daniel J. Mitchell, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and J.D. Foster, Senior Fellow, Heritage Foundation

The incoming Obama administration has proposed many tax code changes, but it has not come forth with any substantial tax reforms to boost competitiveness and long-run growth. In an era of globalization, U.S. policymakers need to respond to the dramatic tax reforms taking place abroad, or else they risk stifling U.S. job creation and investment. Given the pro-investment thrust of recent reforms abroad, how desirable are the new administration’s tax proposals? What kinds of fiscal reforms would actually stimulate the economy this year and over the long run? Please join Cato scholars Daniel Mitchell and Chris Edwards, authors of Global Tax Revolution: The Rise of Tax Competition and the Battle to Defend It, and Heritage fiscal expert J.D. Foster to discuss these important issues.