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Capitol Hill Briefing

Obama’s Blueprint for Growing the Welfare State

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210 Cannon House Office Building
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Featuring Rep. Paul Ryan, Ranking Member, House Committee on the Budget; Chris Edwards, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; and Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute.

Even by Washington standards, President Obama’s budget blueprint is astounding in its big-government ambitions: massive deficits, a huge health care plan, enormous global warming taxes, new subsidy programs, and punishing tax hikes on individuals, small businesses, and multinational corporations. Public debt is expected to soar from 41 percent of the economy in 2008 to 67 percent by 2011. What are the prospects for the Obama plans on health care, tax hikes, and spending increases becoming law? How will economic growth and freedom be affected? Please join Rep. Paul Ryan (R‑WI) and Cato scholars Chris Edwards and Michael Tanner to analyze the scope and implications of President Obama’s agenda.