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The Growing Conservative Shift on Gay Issues

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director, GOProud; Trevor Burrus, Research Fellow, Cato Institute; and Walter Olson, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; moderated by Kelly Cobb, Senior Director of External Affairs, Cato Institute.

Last November, GOP voters helped to affirm marriage equality at the ballot box; prominent GOP figures have launched a campaign preaching conservative acceptance of gays and lesbians; and polling shows a cultural shift among younger conservatives who are now more accepting of gay lifestyles and rights.

But, following another Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that excluded gay conservatives, and with impending Supreme Court decisions on marriage equality on the horizon, it’s clear the battle is far from over.

Join us for a conversation on the continuing battle over gays in the conservative movement, the role of the conservative blogosphere, and the arguments that libertarians can use to bring more conservatives to their side on gay rights.