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GO Beyond GDP: What Really Drives the Economy?

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Date and Time
Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring Mark Skousen, Author, The Structure of Production; Steve Forbes, Author, Reviving America; and George Gilder, Author, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does; moderated by Peter Goettler, President, Cato Institute.

Three economists with new books discuss how to revive economic growth. Mark Skousen has long advocated a new measure of the economy called Gross Output (GO) as a more comprehensive measure of the economy than GDP, a valuable tool in analyzing the business cycle, and a better picture of what drives the economy, and now the federal government has begun publishing that statistic. Steve Forbes calls for patient-centered health care, a flat tax, and sound money as the keys to reform. George Gilder proposes a completely new framework for understanding economic growth. Books will be available for purchase.