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Energy Policy 101

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Featuring Robert L. Bradley Jr., coauthor, Energy: The Master Resource; and Moderated by Jerry Taylor, Cato Institute

The energy bill defeated in the last Congress is poised for a return in some form this year. Democrats and Republicans in Washington are convinced that the federal government has a vital role to play in the energy market due to market failures, but is that really so? In his new book Energy: The Master Resource, coauthor Robert L. Bradley Jr. provides an introduction to the history, technology, economics, and public policy of energy that puts the government’s role in a very different light.

Calling Energy: The Master Resource a “splendid book,” Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman writes that Bradley, an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute, “effectively debunks the widespread predictions of energy doom. Its factual base is comprehensive, its exposition clear and straightforward, and its economic reasoning sound.” This primer is Bradley’s fifth book on the history and public policy of energy and related environmental issues.

Please join us for an informative discussion about the fundamentals concerning energy and energy policy.