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Capitol Hill Briefing

E‑Verify’s Many Perils

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1302 Longworth House Office Building
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Featuring Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute; Chris Calabrese, Legislative Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union; and David Bier, Immigration Policy Analyst, Competitive Enterprise Institute; moderated by Alex Nowrasteh, Immigration Policy Analyst, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.

With immigration reform once again on Congress’s near horizon, many proposals take as a given that there should be “internal enforcement” of immigration law through federal background checks on all workers. But the E‑Verify system and proposals for a national E‑Verify mandate are shot through with complications and challenges. Costs to businesses and workers will mount. Citizens, both natural-born and naturalized, will have to appeal to the federal government for the right to work. And identity fraud will drive E‑Verify to become a biometric national identification system capable of use well beyond immigration control. Join us for a discussion of E‑Verify’s many perils.