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Capitol Hill Briefing

Cutting Wasteful Spending in the Trump Administration

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B-369 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring James Lankford (R‑OK), United States Senator; Thomas A. Schatz, President, Citizens against Government Waste; Chris Edwards, Editor of Down​siz​ing​Gov​ern​ment​.org, Cato Institute; and Justin Bogie, Senior Policy Analyst in Fiscal Affairs, Heritage Foundation; moderated by Peter Russo, Director of Congressional Affairs, Cato Institute.

President-elect Donald Trump has said that he will balance the federal budget and cut spending. During the election campaign, he complained about “waste, fraud, and abuse all over the place” and promised to “cut so much, your head will spin.” And he said, “We are going to ask every department head in government to provide a list of wasteful spending projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days.”

Sen. James Lankford (R‑OK) has created such a list of wasteful spending programs in his new report Federal Fumbles: 100 Ways the Government Dropped the Ball. Join the senator and leading budget experts to discuss the report and describe ways that the incoming Trump administration can cut unneeded spending.