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Cuba Policy in the Bush Administration: Future Directions and Opportunities for Change

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring Mark Falcoff, American Enterprise Institute; John S. Kavulich II, U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council; Ignacio Sosa, One World Investment; Mark Groombridge, Cato Institute.

President George W. Bush will face his first Cuba policy test this summer when he must decide whether to continue waiving implementation of the controversial Libertad Act, popularly known as Helms-Burton. This legislation, which targets our allies for investing in expropriated property, has created considerable controversy in both the European Union and Canada. President Bush will have to make a decision on Helms-Burton at a time when there is a growing split in the Republican Party over the wisdom of the Cuban embargo at large. Many Republicans are now calling for a broader policy of engagement and a relaxation of sanctions against Cuba. Please join us for a discussion of Cuba policy in the Bush administration.