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Congress and the Court: A Legislator’s Guide to the October 2018 and 2019 Terms

Date and Time
2075 Rayburn House Office Building
Featuring Ilya Shapiro, Director, Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute; moderated by Jeff Vanderslice, Director of Government and External Affairs, Cato Institute.

The push and pull between the two elected branches of the federal government — Congress and the president — is well understood in Washington. Similarly, the relationship between the presidency and the judiciary is discussed at ease by Washington pundits and policymakers. Beyond the Senate’s role in judicial confirmations, however, there is comparatively little understanding of the proper relationship between Congress and the Supreme Court.

Given the significance of the court’s impact on federal policy and constitutional interpretation, it is imperative for legislators and their staff to have a solid grasp of the meaning and effect of its decisions. What cases from the 2018 term might deserve a congressional response, and what are we likely to see from the court during the 2019 term?

Join Cato’s Ilya Shapiro for a discussion of these questions and more. Those in attendance will be provided a copy of the newly published Cato Supreme Court Review (2018–2019).

Note: This is an off-the-record* educational event open to congressional staff only. Due to limited space, we are unable to accommodate interns.

* Participants are advised that still photographs and general descriptions of the event may be used in future promotional materials produced by the Cato Institute.