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Cato University 2010

Confronting Grasping Government

July 25 - 30, 2010 • Rancho Bernardo Inn • San Diego, CA

About the 2010 Seminar | Schedule | Presentations

About Cato University 2010

Cato University is the Cato Institute's premier educational event of the year. This annual program brings together outstanding faculty and participants from across the country and, often, from around the globe – all sharing a commitment to liberty and learning. Its widening popularity is due to not only the quality of the attendees, faculty and topics, but the opportunity it provides participants to form new and enduring friendships, and for sharing experiences and perspectives in a one-of-a-kind, brain-energizing environment.

Would you like to meet like-minded people from all over? Have a spectacular vacation while sharing ideas about liberty, individual rights, and the dangerous growth of government? If so, Cato University is definitely for you.

ABOUT THIS YEAR'S PROGRAM — Confronting Grasping Government

Cato University 2010 takes a solid, two-stage approach to examining urgent contemporary issues. First, it provides a complete, energetic immersion into the foundations of libertarianism and individual liberty. These economic, philosophical, and historical principles are then focused into an incisive analysis of the genuine threats confronting them – and each of us – from vast, dangerous government growth. Each ascending step of a grasping government forces a descending step in the nation's freedoms and founding principles. As financial institutions, health care, housing, transportation, privacy, and much more, are grasped by government tentacles, what historical precedents, proven perspectives, present-day realties, and individual options can be wielded in response? We hope you'll join us to explore and learn.


  • Robert Levy Chairman of the Board, Cato Institute; co-author of The Dirty Dozen: How Twelve Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom
  • Tom G. Palmer Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; director of Cato University; vice president for international programs, Atlas Economic Research Foundation; general director of the Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity; author of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice
  • Diogo Costa Editor of the web site
  • Robert Higgs:  Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute; senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute; editor of the Independent Review
  • Prof. Robert McDonald, Assistant Professor of History at the United States Military
    Academy at West Point
  • Prof. Charlotte Twight, Boise State University; author of Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of Federal Control over the Lives of Ordinary Americans
  • Daniel Griswold, Director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute; author of Mad about Trade: Why Main Street America Should Embrace Globalization
  • David Boaz  Executive Vice President, Cato Institute; author of The Politics of Freedom: Taking on the Left, the Right, and Threats to Our Liberties,  Libertarianism: A Primer; editor of The Libertarian Reader



We will be gathering at the magnificent Rancho Bernardo Inn, which is just a few miles north of San Diego. Its world-class facilities, resort amenities, spa, and immediate access to the best of San Diego make this special learning experience a tremendous vacation.


The low price of $1100 covers all meals, receptions, lectures, materials, books, and evening events, but not overnight room charges at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. However, we've been able to arrange an exceptionally low room rate for participants. And since the past two Cato University programs have been sell-outs at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, we recommend you enroll in this year's program as soon as possible.

If you are unable to attend Cato University but would like to contribute to the Bastiat Scholarship Program to support student attendance click here. SPECIAL NOTE: Please indicate that you would like your donation directed to the Cato University scholarship program in the optional Comments box at the end of the contribution form. A donation opportunity is also provided in the Cato University registration form.

And – are you interested in another type of learning experience – on your own, at your own pace? We are delighted to now have the Cato University Home Study Course available. The 12 modules of this program are available separately or together – as downloads or on CD.